Have you ever wondered why you are not getting enough enquiries from your website?
You may argue to say it’s because you are not getting enough traffic to your website. But that may not be the whole story.
Did you know that the number of fields on your contact forms directly impact the amount of conversions you will get?
Here are some of the elements that will impact your online enquiries:
- The type of fields you are using
- The number of fields you use
- The wordage of your fields
- The wordage of your submit button
Many of these elements and more can be scaring your potential customers away.
Here is an interesting infographic that looks at the statistics for various elements of your web forms.

Courtesy of: Quick Sprout
How Does This Effect You?
When it comes to creating a website and even redesigning a website for business, it is an essential factor to strategise everything for optimal conversions.
With the right knowledge, strategic application and testing your site can be taken to a whole new level of business building and growth. Sometimes some of the smallest and subtlest of changes can make all the difference.
At Skyrocket Your Business we welcome open discussion about taking your business to a whole new level. You are fully welcome to post your questions below or by clicking here.